Oct 15, 2008

Le taudis qu'on appelle maison.

You may not know what happened. It's not that important.

We got caught. It happens. Things aren't bad. They've been much worse. They're just ill at ease right now. Somewhat mistrusting. It'll blow over. Until then, I get weekends with him unless he or I am invited to go somewhere with the other.

I've been stockpiling money. I plan on enjoying myself for once. I'm tired of people calling and asking and I'm tired of saying no. I need this. I want this. This is for me. And perhaps for some other people; depending. I have $30. It's not much, but considering I've gotten it all within 5 days, it's a decent amount. Although I know there are plenty of people I know who dwarf that in a single day. I don't really care that much. I'm proud of my petty thievery; be it as it may, thievery.

I've taken a sudden interest in Requiem for a Dream. Haven't actually seen it, but I plan on it. Next time anyway. Then I have to find π. It might be the thought of Jared Leto, it may be the entire plot, its fame, or just the fact that Placebo wrote a song for it that I happen to love immensely.

I'm very tired, have a lack of clothing, and tons of web-surfing/catching up to do. Salut, bonsoir.

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