Nov 30, 2008

When you turn down the key to the town and your social being

This really has been an interesting break.

I've been stoned-a lot.
I've eaten seafood-a lot (mind you, for the first time ever).
I've watched movies-a lot.
I've been lazy-a lot.
I've been busy-a lot.
And for a spell had only showered once in 3 days (which is more than half of this break).

I hung out with Steve!
and saw Kurt again [which was really awkward, Katie] (and he remembered who I was).
Carl hung out with Steve (even as brief as it was).
I hung out with Natalie (including being in her house for the first time ever)!

This break dragged on forever. I loved every second. I feel fantastic, honestly.
And this week will be just as good.

This weekend?

High hopes.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Kurt won't admit defeat.