May 26, 2008

This is Major Tom to Ground Control: I'm stepping through the door and I'm floating in a most peculiar way


avec natalie. et natalie. et bulles!
j'adore bulles. et petit enfents. but i am NOT a pedephile. just to make that clear. then i lost my phone. and then an awesome little kid found it. and then her mom was all freaked out and like, "who the hell is this girl and why is she leaving her phone in the middle of a field for small children to find?" and then i wanted to repay the little girl with bubbles but then she hit her head on the play scape and they had to leave. my plans for being like all creature of the forest-y were shot down and destroyed because no small children were there to be entertained by my bubbles. AND THEN no one was home to enjoy my bubbles either.

i still had fun with natalie and natalie and adam! (who i finally met today). they ate all my iced tea mints. because i was "aggressively generous" says adam. basically it includes me shoving them at people and saying "EAT IT." but you know you liked it ;)

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