Jan 5, 2008

You're brought back but you're running, I'll find sleep in the end tonight. I can't shake this little feeling, I'll never get anything right

Fuck it. I have nothing to say right now.

My yearn to speak out is drowned by my lack of speech. It's stuck in my throat, and it hurts to swallow, but i know this sickness wont pass soon. I can't think of anything. After this one night, this one small comfort, my mind is blank yet again. But what is it that is making me so ill in the mind and the soul? It's one word and i think you probably know what it is. Actually its two words, but there is no difference between them, other than the way they're spelled. Isn't it a funny that they both have four letters? Isn't it funny that they both are inexplicably unexplainable and make me weak in the knees and strong in the heart? Isn't it funny that they can strip you bare inside and out?

Indeed they are funny things

well take me, take me back to your bed
I love you so much that it hurts my head
say I don't mind you under my skin
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in
when we were made we were set apart
life is a test and I get bad marks
now some saint got the job of writing down my sins
the storm is coming, the storm is coming in

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