it really only takes 8 minutes
and no one is going to get that joke i bet. Maybe it's better that way...
my entire body aches all over. bit of advice to all of you:
don't exercise before you go to bed, wake up sore from exercise, bloated and crampy because you're on your period and then do yoga in gym class. bad + terrible + worse = INSANE PAIN. plus carl bruised my ribs this morning from hugging me too tight. so overall, its just pain. like everywhere. it feels good though, it's not a terrible pain. NO i take that back. it was a terrible pain in gym. There is no way that i am doing the downward dog on my period ever again. But bonus on the like 20 minutes of sleeping and tripping just by looking at the gymnastics room ceiling. that was cool. the rest of the day was pretty bawdy though. I did manage to steal some girl scout cookies from john and i drank allison's vitamin water a little too much and she flipped out and made some black kid go buy her another one because she wouldn't have enough to drink in biology. whatever allison. get over it.
okay, aside from regular school troubles i'm feeling a little left out lately. people wont tell me things anymore. i feel really out of the loop when i'm around everyone. it makes me feel stupid and really alone fyi. so it'd be nice if you guys might clue me in sometimes and actually tell me something when i ask about it okay?
i feel like making a list of the most random things ever. really just because i feel like making a list.
1. gah
2. e
3. c
4. s
5. t
6. a
7. s
8. y
9. i need to buy more
10. dont fret, not to use... right away anyway.
11. im not gonna end up like john i promise
12. i really like this song
13. its sad
14. and my favorite
15. it just occurred to me that you dont know what song it is
16. hahaha
17. maybe i'll be mean like all of you and just not tell you what song it is
18. i bet you wouldnt even care
19. nah probably not
20. that's okay, i still love you guys
21. okay well not all of you... xD
22. in case you didnt get it and that seriously hurt your feelings, it was a joke.
23. your probably not that stupid
24. if you are i should really reconsider what friends i have
25. that sounded really shallow
26. probably because it is.
27. well fucking deal with it.
28. french club is cool
29. cheese was bawdy
30. it was a really short meeting
31. i spent more time outside waiting with robert for my mom to pick me up.
32. hahahah
33. i bet you didnt notice that i skipped #12
34. i bet you just looked to see if i did
35. i bet you realized i was lying to you and actually didn't skip it
36. i'm such a bitch
37. that was mean of me to do to you
38. but you'll get over it because you know it was funny
39. i bet most of you fell for it and then laughed because i was so mean and also funny.
40. i bet also that you'll forgive me for being so funny
41. because you love me so much
42. this really shouldnt have been made into a list
43. it really isn't listing anything.
44. it's actually more of a paragraph
45. except counting the sentances sort of
46. i feel special
47. i should probably stop listing things now
48. i've only got one more thing to say though
49. then i'll stop
50. fuck (translated into français of course):
fuck_interj_vulgar, slang (expresses annoyance)_____putain
Oh fuck! I've locked my keys in the car.
Putain ! J'ai enfermé les clés dans la voiture.
fuck_interj_vulgar, slang (term of discontent)_____foutre ou branler
What the fuck are you doing here?
Mais qu'est-ce que tu fous là ?
Mais qu'est-ce que tu branles ici ?
fuck up_vtr_vulgar, slang (do something badly)_____merder ou foirer
She fucked up the exam.
Elle a merdé à son examen.
Elle a foiré son examen.
fuck_vtr_vulgar, slang (put in a difficult position)_____être dans la merde
I am really fucked now.
Je suis vraiment dans la merde.
fuck with_vtr_vulgar, slang (fight, engage)_____chercher ou faire chier
Don't fuck with me, or I'll break your arm.
Arrête de me chercher ou je te casse le bras.
Me fais pas chier ou je te casse le bras.
fuck_vtr_vulgar (have sexual intercourse)_____baiser
You can hear them fucking next door.
On les entend baiser à côté.
fuck_n_vulgar, slang (act of sexual intercourse)____coup
I then took her up to the bedroom for a quick fuck.
Je l'ai fait monter pour tirer un coup rapide.
fuck_n_vulgar, slang (sexual partner)_____coup ou baiser
She's a really good fuck.
C'est vraiment un bon coup.
Elle baise vraiment bien.
fuck_n _vulgar, slang (hated, contemptible person)_____sale con ou enculé ou enfoiré
I can't stand him. He's such a fuck.
Je peux pas le blairer. C'est vraiment un sale con.
Je peux pas le voir. C'est vraiment un enculé.
Je peux pas le saquer ; c'est vraiment un enfoiré.
fuck_n_vulgar, slang (totally unimportant)_____foutre ou ficher
I don't give a fuck what you think.
Je me fous complètement de ce que tu penses.
Je me fiche complètement de ce que tu penses.
fuck_vtr_vulgar, slang (break)_____niqué ou naze ou bousillé ou foutu
This TV is fucked.
La télé est niquée.
La télé est naze (or: bousillée)
La télé est foutue.
fuck_vtr_vulgar, slang (defraud)____baiser ou niquer ou enculer ou entuber
He fucked me out of a hundred dollars.
Il m'a baisé (or: Il m'a niqué) de cent dollars.
Il m'a enculé (or: Il m'a entubé) de cent dollars.
***fuck_vtr_vulgar, slang (insert something into an orifice)_____baiser ou niquer ou enculer.
***He finger fucked her.
***Il l'a baisée (or: Il l'a niquée) avec les doigts.
***Il l'a enculée avec les doigts.
1 comment:
also the rainbow french translations of 'fuck' pretty much made my day.
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