I just took three surveys.
The first one [which the browser tab secretly relayed to me was about Ebay Ad Effectiveness], the first Question: What is your favorite color?
- Razzmatazz
- Fuluu Red
- Chartreuse,
Second Question: What is your Quest?
... so naturally I responded with the lyrics to the Pokemon theme song. At which point they began to ask me what my favorite movie was, and then the page redirected and I had been screened out of the survey.
Second survey, first Question: How old are you?
Simple enough. Then the page redirected, and then a popup appeared from the task bar that said "Survey at Global Test Market says:
I clicked OK, the only option available, at which point I was screened out of that one.
Third survey, started out fine. Then about the fifth Question, they showed a series of pictures of bedspreads and pillow case designs, all of them are very poorly photoshopped to look different (it was the same photo of the bed with different colors), and asked me to pick the four I liked most.
... so I did. Then they asked me to explain why I chose the one that I picked first.
SURVEY OVER, 70 points.